The Best Performing Arts Summer Workshop in Toledo, OH!
What is the Summer Sizzler™?
The Summer Sizzler™ is a culmination of some or all of My5tery Music’s 5 Musical My5teries™ all rolled up into weeks of awesome Summer workshop-style performing arts camps!
Much like our academic school year program, “The Sizzler” puts emphasis on improving participants’ attitudes, self-esteem, and social awareness.
And, for our workshop’s entire camp, our participants get a taste of our Musical My5teries™, all in preparation for the highly-anticipated, upcoming fiscal school year’s My5tery Music™ Performing Arts Programs!
PLEASE NOTE: Only 30 students maximum per camp from all grades will be selected on a “first registered, first-served” basis.
Is your child ready for a ton of summer sizzling fun? Then…